Monday, November 7, 2011

Just a little update...

We love how fun Coop has been lately, he is talking so much more and he is usually happy and fun to be around. He is having so much fun in Utah being around grandparents and cousins. We are staying at my parents house and my sister and her 3 kids are here too. Ruthie is 3 and she and Cooper have so much fun. He loves to imitate all her actions and they just giggle and have lots of fun together. I think its good for him to be around cousins because it toughens him up and teaches him to share. He is an all star dancer and busts out some of the silliest moves. He is super into cars and loves Cars 2. He has collected so many little cars for him to line up and play with.
We are having fun in Utah. We got sick the first part but are feeling good now. I am a little homesick for my house and friends in SA but we have some fun things planned for this trip. Kev is having a good time at the University of Utah but I can not wait for him to be done so we can relax and have fun.


Maurine said...

I think 18 months might just be my favorite stage. They are so cute when they learn to talk and their little personalities come shining through. So how much longer are you there for? I am coming up for Christmas, but I am assuming you will be gone home before then.

Rachel said...

Coop is looking too old! Cute pics. Can't wait to be home either! C U in a few weeks!