Our little Mags is a month old already. Looking back it is crazy how slow the last month of pregnancy seemed and now that Maggie is here time seems to be flying by! She is a delightful baby. She nurses well, however she likes to take her time and draw it out so sometimes it seems like I am feeding her all day long. Initially she was not gaining enough weight and the doctor said I needed to keep her awake and feed 10-15 minutes each side and that should be enough, but no more sleep feeding. This was hard for me because the first two weeks I was sleeping 7-9 hours a night waking only for a few minutes to latch Maggie on, get in a comfortable sleep-feed position and then we both fell asleep while she "snacked" all night. I thought it was great. After her two week appointment weighed in at 7lbs 8oz, only 3 oz away from her birth weight, but babies should gain 1/2-1oz a day and in 10 days Maggie had only gained 3oz. So I began to wake up and do good thirty minute feeding and topped off her little belly with formula and now she is packing on the oz's and her cheeks are filling out. She still has the skinniest legs and they are long! And her feet have out grown the 3 month booties. She is a pretty good sleeper to. The first two weeks we got a few 5 hour stretches out of her, now she sleeps in 3-3 1/2 hour stretches, has a good 3 hour nap from 1-4 and takes several cat naps through the day. She loves to be held and sleeps best while being held. I loved holding and cuddling her all night long, but lately it hasn't been as cozy and last night she slept the entire night in the crib in our room, it was awesome!
She is getting strong and is good at lifting her head to look around. She likes to nap on her tummy with her bum sticking high up, its darling!
Cooper loves her and loves to share his blanky and cars with her. He likes to climb onto the chair with us and give her hugs and it is really fun to see his excitement for "baby", I keep trying to get him to call her Maggie but he isn't catching on yet, but we have gotten a "Manny" a couple times.
I came in to find her in the swing like this, it was funny because Cooper did this same thing not too long ago.
Coop lining his cars up on Maggie while she sleeps.
All of us napping together, I think Coop actually is just blinking, but up until the camera flash I was out cold.
5 years ago
Oh my! When did that happen?? One month already?? She is soooo cute and looks so much like Cooper.
Darling fam, Linds! It's hard to believe it has been a month! I am so glad things are going great!
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