Thursday, September 6, 2012

7 Months

Little Maggie is growing up too fast! She reached 7 months and she is so fun right now. She is all over the place now. She started crawling a little bit on all fours but she is much faster at scooting so that is usually what she chooses to do. She started pulling herself up into a standing position and it scares me because she holds on to the couch and table but then every once in a while she just lets go and timbers to the ground. She loves pretty much all food and she especially loves to drink out of my water bottle. She is a champ at napping but still wakes up in the middle of the night for a little snack. She loves to play with Cooper and she loves all his toys. She is 20 pounds and last week I finally used up at the last of the size 2 diapers so now she is a bit more comfortable in a size 3 :)
She doesn't really like her binky anymore, I don't know how long that will last but she does okay to soothe herself so I don't mind!
 These two love playing in the crib together!
 Chillaxin at the YMCA playground
 Cooper is a rock star right now. He is so fun with all the funny things he is starting to say and its so fun to watch him play. He is still really into Pez dispensers and he plays with them and has little conversations with them and makes them fight and play. He is a good and sweet brother to Maggie and we are so happy to have these cutie kids in our family!
This past week was hard because both kids got really sick with the stomach flu. We didn't leave the house for 4 days. It was messy but I think both kids are feeling much better!


Amy and Clark said...

That first collage of pictures is so, so darling. Love the outfit. She is a one cute 7-month old!