Friday, September 7, 2012

The Silent Puker

Growing up, whenever we took a road trip, my parents had a little nick name for me. The Silent Puker. They say we would be driving and everything would be fine and then I would cry out, " Mom, Dad I'm gonna Blahhhhh" or "pull ov...blahhhhhh". When I felt sick I never gave much warning before I blew! Cooper will be happy and playful and then he gets this look on his face and suddenly he is sick. We have had a terrible case of the stomach flu here this past week 3 days of throwing up for each kid followed by several days nasty diapers. Yesterday I finally felt like we were over it, there hadn't been any vomit in 48 hours, and I think my washing machine was enjoying the break, and I was definitely happy to but the carpet cleaner, Lysol and Febreeze back into the cleaning cupboard. Then yesterday afternoon Maggie was acting a little fussy but it seemed normal since it was nap time. I laid her in her crib and as soon as I let go she fountain puked. It covered her face, it was in her ears and hair and all over her crib but she didn't cry out or anything. I quickly picked her up and then she puked all over the floor and it even got the chair and changing table too. I wiped her face and she just sat there contently watching me clean like nothing had happened. I guess I am grateful that even when sick the kids aren't too grumpy, but I really hope we've seen the end of the pukes for a while!!


Steph said...

disgusting!!! so sad for you to have had to deal with this! I am horrible about when the kids get puked - can't handle it well at all! anyways - hoping she is feeling better too! xooxoxo and glad she doesn't seem to bugged by it either!

Meg said...

Oh my gosh, that's crazy...and kinda funny. I'm sorry you had to endure a week of that though. I'm glad it's passed!

Amy and Clark said...

Ugh! That is terrible! But at least she is cute through it all...