Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This Kid...

Man this kid is so funny right now! Here he is pouting because he didn't want to leave Sea World. We thought if we just kept walking he would eventually follow, nope. I just thought is was so funny how he just sat and pouted. Lately if I ask him to do something he often says he can't and wants me to do it, then he will say, You're strong Mommy, but it sounds a lot more like, You're drunk Mommy. I will have to be careful to not show my strength when we are in public. Cooper loves to hide. Every time he hears Kevin coming he shrieks, Daddy's coming, HIDE! and then he hides under blankets and pillows, or in the closet or under tables. He gets so excited to hide. He also loves it when we chase him around. Lately he likes to play like he takes your nose or ear and then he pretends to eat it, I play back and take his nose, ear, finger, eye, etc and put it somewhere on me. He thinks it is so funny but then if I forget to remove his body part from me and reattach it to him he gets very worried and starts to beg for it back. I think it is hilarious, probably because I am his momma! He is usually very polite and helpful and I love to see him and Maggie playing together.
These kids sweat like crazy! But they are so fun and we laugh at them every day!


Mariley Johnson said...

Dang cute kids!

Stephanie said...

He is grown up! Love the pics!