Monday, July 11, 2011

My Little Helper

Cooper has been such a fun helper lately. It is so funny to me the things he picks up and likes to do! He loves to help me throw out the recycling or his diapers. He loves to turn off the lights when we leave a room. Lately he has been very good about wiping the table or couch after he spills something or drools. A few weeks ago we were at the Student Health Center waiting for Kevin to get some papers. Cooper was just playing on a chair and I saw him walk over to a table and grab a couple of tissues, he walked back to his chair and started wiping the seat. I hadn't noticed but he had spit up a little and was cleaning it up all by himself!
The other day he was eating a sucker and I was occasionally wiping his mouth and hands so he wouldn't get the couch all sticky. After wiping him a few time he took the wipe from me and wiped his own mouth and tongue after each lick of his sucker. He catches on so quick!
The other day Kevin and I were laughing because Cooper was trying to get into the package of wipes and Kevin wouldn't let him because normally Cooper would just pull out all the wipes for fun. When Kev took them away Cooper threw a fit! I told Kev that lately Coop just likes to clean stuff so Kev gave him a wipe and Cooper ran over to the couch and started to wipe up his drool. He is such a silly kid. If only he could start folding laundry!!
Then there are other times when he isn't so helpful :)