Sunday, August 7, 2011

18 1/2 Months

There have been so many things I have been wanting to post about Cooper so that when I get around to making his photo book I can refer to my blog, but I just have not been in a blogging mood. But now we are in Austin house sitting and I don't have a list of to do chores so I feel okay blogging.
Cooper has been such a goof lately, I don't know where he picks up some of the things he does. Recently he has decided he likes to eat his food off the floor, with no hands, just licking it up, we never eat like that so I don't know where he gets it! One time there were some spilled gold fish on the kitchen floor but I left them because we were getting ready to leave so we were just trying to get him to run to the garage. When he ran through the kitchen and saw the goldfish, he got down on his belly and was trying to suck up all the goldfish. He couldn't get the last one so he picked it up and threw it across the kitchen. It made me laugh for days because he can be such a goon!
He isn't saying too much but he picked up the word shoe and he loves shoes, especially mine or Kev's. He also says Moo when he plays with his cow car or cow puzzle piece. Right now we are taking care of our friends big dog that is white and black and a few times I have heard him mooing at the dog!
A few little tid bits on Coop right now, his favorite thing to eat is my chap stick, I would love to own a chap stick that doesn't have a hole gouged in it. His favorite toy is the cupcake stand, he likes to put a toy in each spot. His favorite accessory is a tie between his binky and his blanky, he is a little too attached, I need to start weening him from those. His favorite sign is to put his hands above his head whenever the answer to a question is so big or so much, for example if we say Cooper how big are you, he puts his hands up high and we say soo big! or how much do I love you, So Much!!
Cooper loves piggy backs, he is a super fast runner- especially when his diaper comes off, he is generally happy and fun and this handsome little guy makes us so happy!!


Amy and Clark said...

Such a fun boy! I am glad he provides you with great entertainment. He sure is adorable.