Monday, September 19, 2011

Half Way

One thing we have discovered out here in Minnesota is that Cooper is a warm weather fella. He doesn't like to wear pants or socks very much, and he really hates long sleeve shirts. Its a shame because I have bought him some really cute ones, but when I put them on he seems to find a way to get it off half way. I think its cute and funny. Kevin doesn't like it.

It was a cold weekend and now Cooper is sick. Last night was rough, we put him in our bed and Kevin slept in the left top corner, I was in the bottom left and Cooper tossed and turned on the rest of the king sized bed. It makes me so sad when he is stuffed up and coughing and there isn't anything I can do. Today we are taking it easy in the hotel room, its going to be a long day.

On a brighter half way note. I am 20 weeks along with this cutie. Being pregnant this time around was pretty rough the first 16 weeks, but I feel good now, aside from feeling fat. We find out a week from tomorrow what the gender is. At first I really hoped for a boy but now I wonder if its a girl and I find myself getting excited over pink frills and bows. An old wives tale states that if the mother is especially beautiful during pregnancy then the baby is a boy because a baby girl steals the mothers beauty. If this is true I am certain that not only is this baby a girl but she is going to be the most beautiful baby. My hair is dull. I have had at least one zit on my face for the past 3 months, and I never have zits. I feel pasty and puffy. I keep waiting for the beautiful pregnancy glow and the cute little belly but I just don't know that it's going to happen. Oh well because I am super excited boy or girl. Hurry up February 7th, come soon!


Rachel said...

So exciting you find out next week! I am glad you are feeling better...finally!

AB said...

Congratulations Linds!!!!! I am so excited for you guys!!

Becca and Kent said...

Oh my goodness! I feel like the worst VT companion ever...I didn't even know! Well congratulations! I'm very happy for you!

Mariley Johnson said...

I hear that's it's snowing up there already! At least in the northern parts. Crazy. Good news is, you'll come back to Texas and it should feel nice. 91 degrees nice.
Also glad to hear you are feeling better, aside from the zits.

Culinary Contessa said...

GASP!! I didn't even know you were pregnant! That's so exciting!! Congratulations to you both. : )

Walker Family said...

Congrats!!!! Hope you guys are doing well. I am sure you look cute, you just don't feel cute when it is yourself prego. Tell Kev Hello!!!

Kacey said...

Congrats!! I'm glad you're feeling better-it's so much harder to be pregnant and sick when you're chasing around a toddler. Can't wait to hear what you're having!

Posey's said...

Congrats Lindsey, can't wait to hear what you are having!!

M. Dahl said...

Congratulations Linds!! I can't wait to hear what you are having. -Mindy Dahl;) (I made a blog for Steve's brother on a mission and now all my comments say I am him)