Cooper loves to play outside. The mosquitos love it when Cooper plays outside. I try to remember to spray him down with bug spray before he goes out, but I don't always remember and he wont stay still when I do. As a result this poor kid always has 'owies'. Typically kids like band-aids for their owies, Cooper, however, begs for another solution. There have been several times when I have put Coopers pajamas on and the tag itches his neck, since he hates itchy tags I usually bring him into the kitchen, grab the scissors from the knife block and cut off the tag. The other day his mosquito bites were really bothering him. I kept trying to get him to stop scratching but it was no use. He begged me to follow him to the kitchen and then he kept pointing to the knife block. I thought at first he just wanted his popcorn bucket that was next to the knives but when he refused the popcorn I understood what he wanted. He explained himself a little better by pointing to the knives and saying 'Cut it!' and then he laid on the floor and lifted his foot in the air towards me. Poor kid! I couldn't help but laugh a little as I told him that cutting his foot off wasn't the way to get rid of the bites. It is so awesome to watch Cooper play with Maggie. I often try my best to get Maggie to laugh and feel lucky if I can get a few breathy little laughs, but Cooper can get her chuckling with in seconds. She adores him and will just smile at him and watch his every move. He loves to share with her and show her how toys work as he says "watch, its cool". He also loves to tickle her and everyone else. Lately he has been fascinated with Super Heros, two of his favorite toys are his Super Man and Green Lantern Pez dispensers. He calls them his Supers and it's really fun to watch him play with them, he seems to have a very fun imagination. His favorite things to do these days are swinging on his new swing set (thanks Mike and Steph, He loves it!), swimming in his pool, blowing bubbles with the bubble gun (sometimes he even tries to catch the bubbles in his mouth), and playing with his supers and his missile cars. He is starting to have more of an appetite which is so nice. He likes waffles, eggs and cheese and has started to like bread now, which is nice and normal. I feel like we don't waste as much food now. He is talking a lot more and repeating what we say. It is fun as he starts to talk more in sentences and the other day as I was saying goodbye to Kevin Coop kept copying me by saying Bye Hon and waving as Kev drove away. His dad is his Hero, Kev and his dad were working on this entertainment unit the past two weeks and Cooper really wanted to help. Whether he was getting down in there with his own tools, using his watercolors to "help" me paint the walls, helping me to hang pictures or moving boxes and furniture as we rearranged the rooms he wanted to be in on the action. We sure love this little helper! Also, sorry about this crazy layout, does anyone else have problems with the new blogger layout? Is there any way to run a spell check?
5 years ago
Maggie is getting so big!
I think that's pretty good logic Cooper has. And the entertainment center looks so good!!
As for the layout, I always have to preview before publishing to make sure the layout isn't crazy. IS the spell check not on the tool bar when you are composing?
I'm so glad Coop and Maggie are such good buds! I hope we can come down there and see you guys sometime...
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