Friday, August 24, 2012


Maggie is approaching 7 months and has slept in our room the entire time. I was always so worried that she would wake up Kevin, so as soon as she started to stir in the nights I pulled her from the pack and play and brought her into bed with me. At first I loved cuddling all night with my little baby. But lately she is not so fun to have in bed. The girl is a sweaty heater so it was hard to have her right up next to me, but with a king sized bed there was enough room to plop her in the middle and we all had our own space. Well lately she has been wiggling and kicking all night and she gets up several times throughout the night. It has been exhausting. The reason I had her in our room was because we have had several visitors and I had a friend who would be staying with us through the month of August as he did a rotation at the military hospital. He was supposed to leave today but was able to get permission to leave a week early, so last friday he left. About 15 minutes after he left I started turning the guest room into Cooper's new room. I had been planning what I wanted to do to each room for several weeks and I wanted to move Cooper out of his room, paint his old room, get a new chair for the nursery and get new bedding for both kids. But money is tight, and I was too lazy to paint, and too anxious to just get Maggie out of our room. I finished the rooms on Monday and am pretty happy with the changes. Eventually I would like to get a rocker or glider for Maggie's room and girl bedding and paint would be nice but its not too high on the priority list because Maggie doesn't know her crib sheet has cars on it...

Cooper loves his room but he wakes up to the morning sun at 7:00 and feels like since the "light" (sun) is on he is done sleeping. Seven isn't too bad but he used to sleep until 8:30. I need to hang up some posterboard to block the sunlight!
The first night Maggie slept in her real crib was rough, she was up every 1/2 hour between 11:00 and 1:00. She was up at 5:00 and 6:00 and up for good at 7:00. Her second and third nights were much better, she went down around 9:00 and woke up around 11:00 for a feeding and then slept until almost 7:00. I had forgotten how wonderful un-interrupted sleep really is!! Last night I put her down for a nap at 7:30. We were doing a girls night here and I was certaing she would be up by 9:00 but she just kept sleeping. The last girls left a little after midnight and she still hadn't gotten up. I was worried that I would be up at 5:00 with a bright eyed energetic baby! Well she got up at 3:00, ate, and went right back to sleep. I heard her at 7:10 just playing in her crib talking to herself. She just rolled around and played with her blankies until 7:40! She is awesome. When I picked her up she just gave me this content cute face...
We are all a happier, well rested people now!


Mariley Johnson said...

Oh! She just gets cuter and cuter!!

P.S. Shopping for flights to come play in UT!!!!

Steph said...

onpawow she is a good combo of you two - first i used to think kevin - but this pic there is you for sure and kev - good mixture, and definitely you guys baby! Love that you are getting sleep - 7 months is a long time to have her in your room, altho I am excited to get ivy in her own room, I can't do it just yet. She is 3 months and I just can't mover her that far away! I am a softy for that...but i do think you get better sleep and so do they when they are in their own! Hope your pinterest thing went well - can't wait to hear! xoxoxo

Meg said...

I can't believe you did all that in a week! Both rooms look great!

Maurine said...

She is such a cutie Linds. Happy you are getting more sleep lately. Love the rooms. I am so not a motivated decorator wish I was.