The past couple of weeks Maggie has been scooting around. I love when babies first learn to crawl! She is so curious and works so hard to get to something she has been eyeing, once she reaches it she is very slow and careful in her movements as she grabs and examines it. She reminds me of a sloth. The other day she very slowly was reaching for my nose and cheeks and then all of a sudden she very quickly swiped me in the eye. It hurt like crazy but it made me laugh like crazy because it was so unexpected! Maggie is just over 6 months and I haven't been in a blogging mood but since she is changing so much I wanted to jot this down before I forget! (Is it still considered jotting if I am typing?)
This was the only picture I took of her on her actual 6 month birthday. It's a little sad, I was doing pretty well learning to use my camera but I haven't pulled it out all month! I have been lazy and relying on instagram. At 6 months Maggie weighed in at 18 lbs 12 oz, still up there in the 85%. She was 26 1/2 inches long which is about the 60%. I think she is just the right size with just the right amount of squish! She is a champion sitter now, but is not so champion at the sit to belly transition. Lately she has been making this cute sweet face as she lets out a dinosaur growling noise. Its so funny to me! I can't remember if Cooper was this vocal at her age but it sure is fun. She has two teeth coming through. She got her teeth at the exact same time as Cooper, one a week before she hit 6 months and the second right at 6 months. Both kids have been blessed with thick beautiful Christensen hair! Maggies hair can get pretty wild with all her sweating and rolling around! Maggie does not like to sit still. She likes to see what Cooper is doing and follow him trying to get her hands on his Iron Man action figure or any other toy Coop is showing interest in. Coop is a good sport about it! She also loves to play with rubber gloves blown up like balloons and water bottles because she can push them and chase them around the room. She is getting to be a good little sleeper, she will nap almost anywhere, as you can see. The other day we were playing at the splash pad and Cooper wanted me to chase him arounds and Maggie was very sleepy so I laid her on the cement with just a little blanket for a pillow and in a few minutes she was out! She doesnt wake up in the night to eat but since she is still in our room as soon as she starts to stir in her pack and play, which is usually between 3 and 6 I jump up to get her so she won't wake up Kev. She loves to sleep on our bed. She no longer likes to cuddle, I think she just likes all the space and the soft mattress. I will move her into her own room in a few weeks when we no longer have company. She likes to eat all food but she doesn't scarf down green beans like she does the other food, Coop hated green beans too and I don't blame them, baby food green beans smell disgusting. She loves to sample my food and actually ate about 3/4 of my pizza crust the other day! I am hoping she continues to be open to eating all foods!! Being a mom is really fun right now. The kids love each other and are both at such fun stages. I signed up at the YMCA last week and am loving it. Cooper is very slowly adjusting to the day care, but Maggie does great and I am finding that I am much more patient and excited to play with the kids after I have had a nice work out and time to myself. I hope it continues to always be so fun!
5 years ago
She is just so darling Linds! I can't believe she is already so big. How are things going with residency? Do you ever get to see Kev? Miss you.
That image of Maggie moving like a little sloth is so funny. She is so cute!
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