Sunday, October 28, 2012

Robinson Halloween Party 2012

Last night was my family Halloween party. This is one of the reasons I end up visiting Utah every year at this time, it is always so much fun! This year we started by meeting at River Woods for the fun activities they have. The kids had fun trick or treating at all of the shops and we were quite the spectacle because we were the only adults in costumes.  Later on we went to Lisa's home for a chili dinner, costume contest and trick or treating through out the house. Behind each door the kids either got candy, snacks or some little toys.

 My Mom had the idea to pick names and then dress up as like that person and at the party we would guess who was who. Well somehow instead of picking names we decided to all dress up as my little brother Scott and surprise him. Well unfortunately Scott had drill this weekend so he couldn't come but several of us still dressed up as him. Scott is a very unique kid. He loves Lego's, star wars and painting. He is a Marine, and a skater, and he does fencing. He used to have crazy curly hair before he joined the Marines and we always tease him because he has the best uni brow. My mom dressed up as Lego Man Scott. My Dad dressed up as Skater Scott.

I dressed up as Stick Figure Scott, as in this is how I would draw Scott since I am not a very good artist. Dave, Krista and Reed were not able to come so I got to pose with Millie and Zach. Millie is a little doctor and her scrubs say Dr. Millie, so cute. Zach was a very serious army man. Maggie was a little flower and because of all the excitement she missed a nap and was grumpy for the pictures. 
 Cooper on the other had refused to take a nap all day and spent half the party like this. He did wake up just in time for the trick or treating fun.
 Collynn dressed up as a beach babe, she had one of those silly bikini lady shirts on and a beautiful wig. She ended up winning the prize for funniest costume. Owen dressed as a UFC champion. Kobe and Roah were sports stars and Jack and Ruthie were ducks. Ryan was a ditsy 80's girl and played the part well!
 Leann and Ben were Zombie nurse and doctor. When Cooper first saw Leann with her wig and make up he screamed and ran away crying! Ben won the award for the scariest costume. Max was dressed as death and Scout dressed up as Mario stuck inside his orange DS. It was funny watching him maneuver his costume through the crowd at River Woods.
 Lisa dressed as Fencing Scott, she made her costume using a strainer for her mask it was awesome! Dan was Marine Scott and Summer was dressed as Leopatra, Cleopatra's sister. Ethan had this crazy full body spandex suit, it was so weird looking with the mask on. Top that off with some Flash underpants and he won the award for best overall costume, he said it was worth the humiliation.
I made some Halloween cupcakes. I tried out these Almond Joy Cupcakes that I had found on pinterest. Lately I have not loved cupcakes as much; Too much frosting and too sweet, but these were amazing, link over to them and make them sometime!
 It has been fun to be here with the fall weather. I bought the cutest little boots for Maggie and am having fun dressing her.
 She seems to like her warm clothes but she hated the grass and leaves.
 Maggie is almost 9 months. She is so fun, she is mimicking us a lot when we make sounds and she loves to dance to music. She has 6 teeth, two on bottom and 4 big ones up top. She is crawling so fast, I have to keep a close eye on her in my mom's house with all the stairs. She is a very fun and chubby baby and has finally started to hold her bottle and feed herself! It is so nice!
Cooper is a tease of a brother! He can be so sweet to her and always looks out for her when he hears her crying in another room, but when they are in the same room he can be mean. He doesn't like her to get too close to his stuff, and she can't play with any toys, we are working on sharing! Whenever he isn't being a stinker he is super fun, he is so talkative and I love having conversations with him. The other day he was asking for food so when I asked him what he wanted he pointed to a package of ground beef. I asked him if he wanted raw beef and he cheered and said Ya!! I said no but he wouldn't let it go, for the next few minutes he cried, I want raw beef!! Pleeassee? I want raw beef!...
He is super silly!


Meg said...

Your family is SO creative! I can see where you get it, haha. Scott must've felt pretty special, even if he wasn't there in person person :) Looks so fun!