Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mags Turns One!

 Maggie turned the big ONE last week! In honor of her being of legal milk drinking age we had a milk and cookies party with some friends. I transformed the entertainment center into a Got Milk? milk mustache photo booth. It was fun and everyone was a good sport about letting me take their picture
 I had fun decorating for the party and we had several different kinds of yummy cookies

Maggie has been awesome this week! At her party she enjoyed being outside with all the other kids. I kept forgetting that I wasn't watching her but every time I went to check on her she was chillin like a champ! On her actual birthday she decided she wanted to walk. Prior to her birthday she had been standing pretty well on her own for 2 month but she only attempted to take 1 or 2 steps here and there, and was content to just crawl all over. On her birthday after we got her out of bed Coop and I were playing with her in her room and she stood up and took 7 steps toward me! I was so excited but also sad that I didn't have the camera. That night when Kev got home we opened presents and tried to get her to take some more steps. She did not disappoint she took 7-10 steps several times for the camera and loved all the cheering and applause. The next few days it was as though she decided that one year old kids walk and she was walking more than crawling and now she pretty much walks all over. When she falls she just gets right back up! She has also decided this past week that sleeping is better than eating and has decided to sleep through the night 11-12 hours straight! I am loving it! However with all the walking and less eating I worry her thunder thighs may thin out a little.
She got a baby doll for her birthday and I have been surprised how much she loves it. She still loves trying to sneak Coopers toys away from him but it is nice that she is starting to like toys of her own. She jabbers a lot but she will say Ball, Uh Oh, Baba and NO No No! all in the correct way.
Her hair is awesome. Curly when its humid or when she sweats- which is most of the time, mullet like when its wet in the tub, big and crazy in the mornings, and cute as can be in piggy tails.

For her birthday we got her a little rocking chair identical to one that Cooper has because she absolutely loved Coopers chair. She loved it so much that they would fight and fight over it, it was funny to watch her fight for a spot! Now they can both sit in peace.
Maggie just makes us all so happy, she is so funny with all her growls and silly noises. She is happy the majority of the time and makes being a mom fairly easy and crazy fun! I have appreciated what a good baby she is especially when I go to the gym. Cooper used to cry and be so sad when I left him in the daycare. Maggie has found a favorite spot at the gym, sitting on top of the picnic table so she can look around, and she will sit there the entire hour and be happy! The daycare workers love it. The other day I came into the room and she had found a favorite spot at home
Happy Birthday Maggie!!



Stephanie said...

Happy birthday Maggie! I can't believe she is one already and your party turned out adorable! Miss you guys!

Maurine said...

Super cute party Linds! I can not believe she is 1 already. That is just craziness. But how fun. She is seriously so darling. Wish I could meet her in person.

Amy and Clark said...

Linds, she is SUCH a cutie. Love her happy personality and adorable hair! So fun that she started walking on her birthday. And the party was just darling!