I had these pictures taken a little over a month ago just after Maggie turned one. She has been so much fun and I keep meaning to post some of her cuteness so I don't forget.
She loves my necklaces. She will go into the bathroom and open all the drawers, pausing every once in a while to look at me, shake her head and finger, and say no no no no, and then she proceeds to open the drawers. She will pull out a necklace and attempt to put it over her big head, after a few tries she brings the necklace to me and bows forward for me to put the necklace on her. Then she usually laughs and wobbles away. If she is not in the mood for a necklace her favorite items to take from the bathroom drawers are Kevin's contact containers and solution bottles and deodorant. I have to keep a close eye on this one because she loves to get into everything and make a mess. Cooper was never this curious or destructive.
She actually talks quite a bit, she says- No no no, Baba, baboo (I think thats her blankie), baby, Mommy, Daddy, Aggie, Book, Uh Oh and Woah, and of course there is all sorts of jibberish in between. My favorite is that she likes to chant/cheer our names she will say Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, over and over in a singy cheering sort of way. She also does it with Daddy and Maggie (Aggie). It is so cute and makes us feel like champions.
She is a pretty good eater but lately is getting to be a little bit picky. It seems her favorites are pizza and peanut butter sandwiches. Just yesterday I started stringing fruit loops and cheerios to make a necklace for her. She loved it! Food and jewelry in one! This morning she found her necklace with only two fruit loops on it and she brought it to me, so I put some more on, she leaned her head forward so I could put it on her and she has been happily snacking and looking fancy this morning.
Maggie used to growl, a lot. Now she only growls when she is making animal noises. Instead she walks around fake laughing. It cracks me up and though I sometimes miss her deep growl, her silly laughs are much better. She loves to laugh at Cooper too and they are starting to play together much better instead of just teasing and not sharing.
I feel so blessed and happy to have Maggie in our family. She has her destructive moments, and her diva moments, but overall she is a sweetie pie!
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