This was Cooper two weeks ago. He was a binky boy. He love love LOVED his binky and blanky. If he was crying, the binky stopped him. If he was grumpy, the binky cheered him. If he was bored, the binky entertained him. I always had at least one binky on hand. He loved putting the binky in his mouth and then getting super close to my face so I could bite it out and tease him as he tried to get it back. The binky was all sorts of fun, so I dreaded the time when I would need to ween him from the binky. I planned to wait until he was two. Well in the past week or so I don't know why but Cooper now hates his binky and wont take it at all. I think that either he has allergies up here so the binky makes it hard for him to breathe or since he has been chewing on his binkies and there are now teeth holes in a few of them, maybe his nasty spit settled into a binky too long and grossed him out and turned him off from all binkies. I think the latter is what happened. At first I was pretty excited that he gave it up on his own, but I am realizing there were many benefits of the binky. Cooper used to be a champion napper and sleeper. If he woke up too early from either he found his binky and went right back to sleep. Now when he wakes up after only an hour of napping, too bad, he is up and grouchy. When he wakes up at 6:00am, too bad, he is up and grouchy. Instead of just lying down and falling asleep, he cries and yells, and screams. Instead of sucking and chewing on his binky, he chews and sucks on his blanky or sleeves and it stinks so bad! When we drove up to Minnesota and he got cranky in the car the binky solved the problem 75% of the time, now after driving an hour he gets grouchy and its quite difficult to make him happy. Normally this would just be something we dealt with as part of the weening process, but living in a hotel room with a long drive awaiting us in less than two weeks, its driving me crazy, we are much more tired and grouchy than is necessary. It was a rough weekend, however he slept in until nearly nine this morning! Maybe he is adjusting, we will see on our 3 hour round trip drive to Minneapolis today. My dad is in town for business and gets to spend a day with us, Yay!!
5 years ago
Good luck!
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