Thursday, May 31, 2012

Its been a very busy month. Two weeks in Utah, my 31st birthday, Maggie's baby blessing, Mother's Day, lots of family and friend time, a little bit of home project time and the day we've been waiting for the past 4 years. Graduation. It was a great and happy day!

I am so proud of this Doctor especially! He is super smart and super hot and he is mine, I'm a lucky gal!
I am also proud of these ladies. We made it and I was so thankful to have them as friends these past four years!
Super Thankkful for our amazing parents who helped us out so much and we were so happy that they were able to come and celebrate with us!
Its been quite the journey, its a little hard to believe that this was the easy part and now the real adventure begins! We are grateful for the friends we made here and wish them all the best, San Antonio won't be the same with out them!


Mariley Johnson said...

I love the picture of your family! We miss you guys already. Wish you could come over for dinner...

Scooter and Jessica said...

Congrats to you both! I love that Linds took a picture with the graduation cap because it really is a joint accomplishment. =) We are so excited for this next exciting phase!

Ian and Resa said...

Congratulations!! So excited for you guys and for what the next adventure brings!